
SAKO, Kazue
Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Short Bio
After receiving her B.S. in mathematics from Kyoto University, she joined NEC Central Research Labs where she engaged in studying secure cryptographic protocols.
Since April 2020, She is a Professor at the Department of Information Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, at Waseda University.
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Recent Papers
- Formalising Linked-Data based Verifiable Credentials for Selective Disclosure, Dan Yamamoto, Yuji Suga and Kazue Sako. 2022 Security Standardisation Research Conference (SSR 2022), IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW)
- POSTER: Using Verifiable Credentials for authentication of UAVs in logistics, Ken Watanabe and Kazue Sako. Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2023 (ACNS 2023)
- Blockcerts Open Badges and some considerations on its application, Kigen Fukuda, Shigeo Mizuno, Ken Watanabe, Kazue Sako, Masayuki Terada, Sachiko Yoshihama. CSEC, Computer Security Group. 2023. 2023-CSEC-103. 3. 1-8
- Comparison of Digital Signature Algorithms for Unlinkable Selective Disclosure, Masato Tsutsumi, Ken Watanabe, Kazue Sako. Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS2024)
Papers before 2020(First Author)
- An Implementation of a Mix-Net Based Network Voting Scheme and Its Use in a Private Organization. Towards Trustworthy Elections Furukawa・Mori・Sako 2010: 141-154 (14)
- Anonymous authentication: For privacy and security Sako, K.,Yonezawa, S., Teranishi, I.NEC Journal of Advanced Technology 2(1), pp. 79-83 2005
- A Network Voting System Using a Mix-net in a Japanese Private Organization, Sako, DIMACS Workshop on Electronic Voting(Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)), 2004 (3)
- How to secure network application systems using cryptographic protocols - Electronic voting systems case, Sako NEC Research and Development 43(3), pp. 191-194, 2002
- An Implementation of a Universally Verifiable Electronic Voting Scheme based on Shuffling, Furukawa, J., Miyauchi, H., Mori, K., Obana, S., Sako, K., Int Conf on Financial Cryptography & Data Security (FC)(Int Financial Cryptography Assoc (IFCA)), 2002 (52)
- Efficient Receipt-free Voting Based on Homomorphic Encryption, Sako, Hirt, EuroCrypt Vol.LNCS1807 p.539-556, 2000(530)
- An AuctionProtocol Which Hides Bids of Losers, Sako, Int Workshop on Practice & Theory Public Key Cryptography (PKC)(Int Assoc for Cryptologic Research (IACR))Vol.LNCS 1751 p.422-432, 2000 (132)
- Implementation of a Digital Lottery Server on WWW, Sako, CQRE (Secure) Exhibition & Congress(IEEE Computer Soc), 1999 (17)
- Designated Verifier Proofs and Their Applications, SakoJakobsson・Impagliazzo, EUROCRYPT 96 p.143-154, 1996 (930)
- Generating Statistical Information in Anonymous Surveys, Sako (IEICE))Vol.E79-A No.4 p.507-512, 1996(11)
- Receipt-free Mix-type Voting Scheme - A Practical Solution to the Implementation of a Voting Booth -, Sako・Kilian, EuroCrypt Vol.921 p.393-403, 1995 (612+5)
- Secure Voting Using Partially Compatible Homomorphisms, Sako・Kilian, Crypto(Int Assoc for Cryptologic Research (IACR))No.839 p.411-424, 1994 (201)
- Electronic Voting Scheme Allowing Open Objection to the Tally, Sako (IEICE)) Vol.E77-A No.1 p.24-30, 1994 (83)
- Key Distribution System for Mail Systems Using ID-related Information, Sako(Tanaka)・Okamoto, Computers & Security(Pergamon Press Inc)Vol.10 No.1 p.25-33, 1991
- Key Distribution System Using ID-related Information Directory Suitable for Mail Systems, Sako・Okamoto, SECURICOM p.115-122, 1990
- Realization of RSA Cryptosystem using a Digital Processor, Sako(Tanaka)・Okamoto, IEEE Int Symp on Information Theory (ISIT)(Inst of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE))p.250, 1988
Papers before 2020(Co-authored)
- A proposal on an electricity trading platform using blockchain Tanaka, K., Abe, R., Nguyen-Van, T., Yamazaki, Y., Kamitamari, T., Sako, K., Koide, T. 2018 Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering 7, pp. 976-983
- Architecture Optimization of Group Signature Circuits for Cloud Computing Environment, Morioka・Furukawa・Sako・Nakamura, SASIMI2012(IEEE), 2012
- Flexible Architecture Optimization and ASIC Implementation of Group Signature Algorithm using a Custimized HLS Methodology, Morioka・Isshiki・Obana・Sako, IEEE Int. Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust(IEEE), 2011(8)
- Implementation of LSI for Group Signature Scheme, Sako・Morioka・Araki・Isshiki・Obana, Workshop on Anonymous Digital Signatures: mechanisms and usages(TRUST), 2010
- IC Card-Based Single Sign-On System that Remains Secure under Card Analysis, Furukawa・Obana・Sako, ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM)(Assoc for Computing Machinery (ACM)), 2009 (5)
- How to Implement Furukawa-Imai Group Signature Scheme with Barreto-Neahrig Curve, Furukawa・Sako・Okimoto・Nogami・Nakanishi・Sakemi・Takeuchi, Int Workshop on Security (IWSEC)(組織委員会), 2009
- K-Times Anonymous Authentication, Teranishi・Furukawa・Sako (IEICE))Vol.E92-A No.1 p.147-165, 2009(9)
- An Efficient Publicly Verifiable Mix-net for Long Inputs, Furukawa ・Sako (IEICE))Vol.E90-A No.1 p.113-127, 2007 (3)
- Using Group Signatures for Identity Management and its Implementation, Isshiki・Mori・Sako・Teranishi・Yonezawa, ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management(DIM), 2006 (36)
- The Possibility of Cryptograhic e-voting with Mobile Phones, Mori・Sako, Workshop on Trustworthy Elections (WOTE)(Int Assoc for Voting Systems Sciences (IAVoSS)), 2006
- k-times Anonymous Authentication with a Constant Proving Cost, Teranishi・Sako, Int Workshop on Practice & Theory Public Key Cryptography (PKC)(Int Assoc for Cryptologic Research (IACR)), 2006 (30
- An Efficient Publicly Verifiable Mix-net for Long Inputs, Furukawa・Sako, Int Conf on Financial Cryptography & Data Security (FC)(Int Financial Cryptography Assoc (IFCA)), 2006 (7)
- k-Times Anonymous Authentication, Teranishi・Furukawa・Sako, AsiaCrypt, 2004 (107)
- An Efficient Scheme for Proving a Shuffle, Furukawa・Sako, Crypto(Int Assoc for Cryptologic Research (IACR))Vol.LNCS 2139 p.368-387, 2001 (319)
- Fault Tolerant Anonymous Channel, Ogata・Kurosawa・Sako・Takatani, Int Conf of Information & Communications(IACR/IEICE)Vol.LNCS 1334 p.440-444, 1997 (153)
- Proposal for Cryptographic Key Distribution System Based on Identification Information Okamoto, E.,Sako( Tanaka), K., Systems and Computers in Japan 21(4), pp. 76-84 1900
- Key distribution system based on identification information, Okamoto・Sako(Tanaka), IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications(Inst of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE))Vol.7 No.4 p.481-485, 1989
- Key distribution system based on identification information. Okamoto, E., Sako(Tanaka), K. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 7(4), pp. 481-485 1989
- Identity-based information security management system for personal computer networks, Okamoto・Sako, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications(Inst of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE))Vol.7 No.2 p.290-2940, 1989
- Key Distribution Systems Based on Identification Information, Okamoto・Sako, IEEE Grobal Communications Conf (GLOBECOM)(Inst of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE))Vol.1 p.108-111, 1987
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- 「How Cryptographic Protocols help Design Healthy Society」9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) Invited Talk, July 2019
- Dice Rolls for Online Games using Blockchain with Provable Properties, Teranishi, Sako SCIS 2019
- 「Blockchain」, Sako, 6th International Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2018 (Cryptology2018) Invited Talk, July 2018
- 「JSIAM activities to encourage Women Researchers」 Sako, Gender Gap in Science ~ A regional workshop in Taiwan ICSU Workshop Nov. 2017
- 「Where did Alice and Bob go, and can blockchain help to bring them back? 」 Sako International Workshop on Security (IWSEC) Keynote talk, 2017
- 「How Blockchain Works, and How It Helps」, Sako, IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum (ICTF) keynote talk 2017
- 「How Cryptography Helps Enhancing Privacy」, Sako, TRUSTECH, 2016
- 「How Blockchain Helps Crypto Protocols」, Sako, The New Context Conference in SF, 2016
- 「CPDP Panel: Reform of Data Protection in Japan」, Sako, Computers, Privacy and Data Protection, 2016
- 「Personal data ecosystem -- Empowering users with their data--」Sako, LYRICS workshop(LYRICS), 2015
- 「IT Security and Privacy for Human Society」, Sako, IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum (ICTF), 2014
- 「Empowering Users--New Personal Data Ecosystem」, Sako, Trust in the Digital World: enabling the economics of trust (EEMA, TDL), 2014
- 「Group Signatures」, Sako, Meeting on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography(NIST), 2011
- 「Anonymous Authentication - An Approach to Balance Security and Privacy Concerns」-, Sako, DAAD in Tokyo, 2008
- 「A Network Voting System Using a Mix-net in a Japanese Private Organization」, Sako, DIMACS Workshop on Electronic Voting(Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)), 2004 (3)
- 「An Implementation of a Universally Verifiable Electronic Voting Scheme based on Shuffling」, Sako・Mori・Furukawa・Obana・Miyauchi, Int Conf on Financial Cryptography & Data Security (FC)(Int Financial Cryptography Assoc (IFCA)), 2002 (52)
- 「An AuctionProtocol Which Hides Bids of Losers」, Sako, Int Workshop on Practice & Theory Public Key Cryptography (PKC)(Int Assoc for Cryptologic Research (IACR))Vol.LNCS 1751 p.422-432, 2000 (132)
- 「Receipt-free Mix-type Voting Scheme - A Practical Solution to the Implementation of a Voting Booth -」, Sako・Kilian, EUROCRYPT LNCS Vol.921 p.393-403, 1995 (612+5)
- 「Secure Voting Using Partially Compatible Homomorphisms」, Sako・Kilian, CRYPTO 94 LNCS No.839 p.411-424, 1994 (201)
- Electronic Voting Scheme Allowing Open Objection to the Tally, Sako SCIS 1993
- 「Key Distribution System Using ID-related Information Directory Suitable for Mail Systems」, Sako・Okamoto, SECURICOM p.115-122, 1990
- 「Realization of RSA Cryptosystem using a Digital Processor」, Sako・Okamoto, IEEE Int Symp on Information Theory (ISIT)(Inst of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE))p.250, 1988
Academic Services
- IPSJ Director
- IACR World Cryptography Real World Crypto Steering Committee
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing Associate Editor
- The 17th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security AsiaCCS 2022 Program Co-chair
- IACR Test-of-Time Award 2022 Selection Commitee Member
- IACR Real World Crypto RWC 2022 Program Commitee Member
Past Services
- The Casper Bowden Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2021 PET Award Commitee Member
- IACR Public Key Cryptography Steering Committee (2018-2020)
- JSIAM 26th President
- IEICE Vice Chair (2017-2018)
- ACNS 2021 「Applied Cryptography and Network Security」 Program Co-chair
- ACM Advances in Financial Technologies - AFT 2020 Program Committee Member
- ESORICS 2019 「European Symposium on Information and Computer Security」 Program Co-Chair
- IACR PKC2019 「Public Key Cryptography」 Program Co-Chair
- FC2018 「Financial Cryptography and Data Security」 Program Co-Chair
- FC2013 「Financial Cryptography and Data Security」 General Chair
- CT-RSA 2016 「RSA Conference Cryptographer's Track」 Program Chair
- IACR Asiacrypt 2012 Program Co-Chair
- IACR Asiacrypt 2013 Program Co-Chair
Other Works
- MyData Japan Vice Chair
- Sovrin Foundation Trustee (-June 2020)
- JST Presto Advisor (IoT)
- JST Presto Advisor (Math)
- Science Council of Japan Member (2014-2026)
Past Talks
FINSUM「Blockchain-based Financial System」(Moderator) |